Sunday, January 25, 2009

Truth of life!!!!

Hi friends, we all wander in this life for ?

I think most of times, it is for living decently and keep ourselves happy whatever required to do so. However, how many times we realize or seek for the truth, that the internal happiness doesnot come from materialistic things. I am not saying money is not essential, it is to some extent but it doesnot provide everlasting eternal bliss which I believe everyone is after!!!

We most of times never try to look for truth behind life and the existence of every creature. Most of us rely on what is written in the books and no one knows their authenticity. I agree "absence of evidence doesnot mean evidence is absent". However, it may be adventerous to find out the truth behind this fascinating "Nature" and the very existence of so called "God". Somneone is there to care of Us in all thicks and thins is the assurance Everyone gets by believing in Him.

I saw this video, its wordings are really very nice and encourage us to find this truth.....


Fahrudheen said...

This posting speak about the need for seeking the truth, It is obligatory upon e.body to seek the truth
to be happy in this life and the hereafter if we believe in life after death. In order to believe in life after death one should believe in God. This belief should not be based upon anything apart from sincerity
I do not understand clearly regarding your concept coz it sounds a bit atheistic, if not agnostic when I read

"However, it may be adventerous to find out the truth behind this fascinating "Nature" and the very existence of SO CALLED GOD"

Amit Gupta said...

Nice to have your comment on this friend,
I think by birth we are made to believe in God and we are bound with the existence of this force and we never try to seek or deny the concept. I dont know may be I sound little confused, however, trying to explore the nature.