Wednesday, December 24, 2008

10 leader traits every man should have.....

1. Respect
John F. Kennedy called himself a doughnut in front of 120,000 Berliners. So what? At least he tried to speak the local language.

2. Patience
John F. Kennedy cooled out the Soviets during the Cuban missile crisis by lighting up a Havana, not lighting up Havana. Think about that the next time you reach for the red phone beside your desk.

3. Open-mindedness
Want good advice? Go to someone you usually disagree with. Lincoln staffed his cabinet with opponents, so surely you can ask a Red Sox fan what he thinks of Jeter. He may just surprise you.

4. Enthusiasm
The best ideas draw the most criticism. Maintain your passion and your smile, and others will want to join your cause.

5. Accountability
The bigger the blunder, the greater the apology. Clinton said sorry eight times for Monica Lewinsky. Makes you wonder what we still don't know. . .

6. Humility
George W. Bush meant well during his dance-off with African performers, but he ended up as a YouTube punch line. Knowing your weaknesses is just as important as touting your strengths.

7. Empathy
Judge others in the context of their worlds, not yours. Men in Papua New Guinea wear penis gourds. Dumb? Well, guess what they think of your 15 mpg SUV.

8. Responsibility
It doesn't matter if you're commander-in-chief or branch manager: If you don't know what your troops are doing, you're probably too far removed from the battlefield.

9. Initiative
Always talk more about what you want to do than what you've already done. The only person who cares about your résumé is the guy copying it at Staples.

10. Diplomacy
When your girlfriend asks you how she looks, treat her like a rogue nation-state with an arsenal of nukes. A conflict-free resolution is the only sure way to avoid lasting collateral damage

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